How To Link PAN with Aadhar?

To link Pan with Aadhar you need to visit: and follow the instructions.

Please make sure fee payment is done under Minor head 500 – Other Receipts(500) and Major head 0021 [Income Tax (Other than Companies)] in a single challan.

As per the Ministry of Finance, you have to pay a fee of Rs 1000 before linking your PAN with Aadhar.

It takes around 7 working days to update your status in IT records.

You can check your Aadhar Pan link status on the below link:

If you have not linked your PAN with Aadhar your trading and demat account will be frozen. You will not be able to invest in Shares, Mutual funds, Futures and options, or Commodities.

The unfreeze will be done by the exchange which can take around 72 working hours, once the Pan and Aadhar link status is updated on IT records.

You can also escalate it to exchange on NSE grievance no. 1800-266-0050 (Toll-Free)/ 022-68645400.